Giving Back
At Family Veterinary Clinic we believe that being a successful business comes with the responsibility of ~ Giving Back ~ to the community, whether that community is Crofton, Gambrills, Bowie or part of the global one. Please take the time to look through this list and visit the links we have provided maybe one of these great organizations will inspire you to do the same.
Animal / Environmental Organizations

Anne Arundel County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
As Veterinarians in the Crofton, Gambrills and Bowie area we know the need for organizations that support animals. This organization is one of the oldest and most respected when it comes to animal welfare. In addition to financial support Family Veterinary Clinic is always a participant in the Annual Walk for the Animals held at Quiet Waters Park.
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Chesapeake Bay Foundation
Protecting and Restoring the Chesapeake Bay. The Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) fights for bold and creative solutions to the pollution that plagues the Bay and its tributaries. Across the six-state Chesapeake watershed, CBF sets the agenda, serves as a watchdog, and speaks out on behalf of the Chesapeake Bay to business, government, and the public.
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Greyhound Pets of America
GPA / MD, Inc. is an all volunteer organization founded in 1985 by Betty Rosen and dedicated to finding responsible, loving homes for retired greyhounds and younger dogs that can’t make the grade at various tracks throughout the country–resulting in an early retirement. GPA / MD’s goal is to let people know what excellent and loving pets these gentle, retired racers make.
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Partnership for Animal Welfare (PAW)
The Partnership for Animal Welfare (PAW) is a non-profit group of volunteers chartered to facilitate the rescue and adoption of homeless domestic animals, mainly dogs and cats, and place them in loving and stable homes. Family Veterinary Clinic of Crofton is committed to supporting this mission through low-cost veterinary care and donations.
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Patuxent River Clean-up
The employees of Family Veterinary Clinic have been participating in “Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service” for the last two years. For both years the Family Vet Clinic of Crofton choose to clean-up the Patuxent River at Governor Bridge Road in Davidsonville. We are happy to report that the second year saw a marked reduction in trash over the prior year. Progress! Facebook pics
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Sierra Club
They are America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization. Inspired by nature, we are 1.4 million of your friends and neighbors, working together to protect our communities and the planet.
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South River Federation
Protect means to value and respect the natural environment, including the river and the living resources that depend upon it. The Federation believes that the River is a privilege for all to enjoy and that as inhabitants of the land that ultimately determines the health of the River, we have an obligation to be good stewards of the River. In carrying out this duty to protect, the Federation reviews land use plans, advocates for strong laws and regulations and identifies and stops sources of pollution.
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World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
WWF’s way of conserving the planet’s natural resources combines their unmatched global reach with a foundation in science, it involves action at every level – from local to global – and it ensures the delivery of innovative solutions that meet the needs of both people and nature.
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Human Organizations

Anne Arundel County Food Bank
The Anne Arundel County Food Bank is a free resource bank that gives away food and donated “gently used” appliances, furniture, medical equipment, baby items, cars and other items that will help a needy family make a home and a better way of life.
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Arundel Volunteer Fire Department
Proudly serving the Crofton, Davidsonville, Gambrills and surrounding communities for over 50 years. The AVFD believes that prevention and early intervention are an indispensable part of emergency response. From free CPR and First Aid classes to Fire Prevention information, your community fire house is here to help you serve as the front line of emergency services.
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Crofton Woods Elementary School
Crofton is located between Annapolis, MD and Washington, DC and is about 30 minutes south of Baltimore. At Crofton Woods, we value respect and responsibility within a rigorous, well rounded academic environment. We are an Arts Integration School with an awareness of and appreciation for the world around us. Additionally, Crofton Woods provides engaging opportunities for our students in the area of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).
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Davidsonville Elementary School
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Komen for the Cure
Susan G. Komen for the Cure®, the global leader of the breast cancer movement.
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Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) is the world’s largest voluntary (nonprofit) health organization dedicated to funding blood cancer research and providing education and patient services.
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Relay for Life of Southern Anne Arundel County
Each year, more than 4 million people in over 20 countries raise much-needed funds and awareness to save lives from cancer through the Relay For Life movement.
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Rotary Club of South Anne Arundel County (Bountiful Backpacks Program)
HUNGER IN THE WORLD… HUNGER IN THE UNITED STATES… HUNGER IN MARYLAND… Unfortunately, this is the grim reality for many children right here in Anne Arundel County. As the economy continues to decline, the number of hungry children rises. Although they are fed nutritious meals at school, the weekends at home are often much different. In an effort to sustain these children over the weekend, the South AA County Rotary Club, as part of its hunger initiative, is launching the Bountiful Backpack Project. By providing several food items sent home via backpacks, the hope is that these children will not go hungry over the weekend. Read about the (Bountiful Backpacks)
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Second Chance
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South River Robotics Team (Home of the Powerhawks)
At Family Veterinary Clinic we know the importance of the child animal bond, anyone that has seen kids and animals interact knows this. Whether it is your local elementary, private high school or any learning establishment in between, please support your local schools, they are the backbone of our communities.
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St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Welcome to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish. We pray that you will find this web site useful in learning about the parish and all of the opportunities that exist here for you and your family.
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Students First
Inside our schools, a great teacher is the single most important factor in a child’s education. While there are many factors that influence a student’s opportunity to learn, a great teacher can help any student overcome those barriers and realize their full potential. For this reason, we believe in doing everything we can to make sure teachers are supported and all schools are able to hire and retain the best teachers possible.
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Temple Solel
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