Food Recommendations
Family Veterinary Clinic recommends feeding a high quality, age appropriate, nutritionally balanced pet food for most pets. Pets with certain health conditions may require prescription diets. There is a lot of information out there, not to mention a plethora of pet food choices, which makes it a little scary when trying to decide what food is best to feed your pet. For this reason, we have compiled a list, which is not all encompassing, as that is a daunting task even for us, but lists some foods that we feel comfortable recommending. We never recommend feeding raw diets; handling raw meat can cause serious bacterial infections, like Salmonella, in people. Eating raw meat can lead to bacterial, protozoal, and parasitic infections in pets.
Homemade diets are an option but we would recommend consulting with a veterinary nutritionist as most recipes available in books and on the internet are nutritionally unbalanced and can lead to serious health issues.
Family Veterinary Clinic has some some great food recommendations to the right, for your pet’s optimal health.
Yes, these are large food companies but they have the experience and the testing to back up their foods. See the Pet Diets website library listed below for some debunking of common myths and misconceptions about pet food. Again, there are many pet food choices out there so read the labels. Call the company that makes your pet’s food or write an e-mail to get your questions answered. A general note about pet food recalls, almost every pet food out there has had or will have recalls. Ideally, companies would test every ingredient in every batch of food for evidence of infection and toxins but unfortunately, even the food we consume does not live up to that standard.
