Family Veterinary Clinic

1413 Defense Hwy #100
Crofton & Gambrills, MD 21054



Tips for Training Your Pet


Just like helping a child to walk, our pets need training too. Taking the time to properly train your pet can make your home more harmonious. Taking a few simple steps, you can train your pet to have manners, be mindful of guests, and even perform a few tricks. Here are some great tips for training your pet.

  • Use your pet’s name wisely. As much as possible, associate his name with pleasant, fun things, rather than negative. The goal is for him to think of his name the same way he thinks of other great stuff in his life, such as walks, treats, or dinner.
  • Use precise language. Use specific action words you are trying to get your pet to perform. Say sit, or come, or drop it. Associate your pet’s name with the command and use positive reinforcement when the pet completes the action.
  • Be generous with your affection. Make it a big deal when your pet reacts to your direction. Stroke and caress the pet, give hugs and kisses and use an enthusiastic voice. You want your pet to understand and associate your happiness with his behavior.
  • Use treats and a clicker. You can buy a clicker or use a clicking ball point pen, along with treats. The moment your pet performs a command, click the pen and give a treat. This way your pet will associate the click with positivity. Eventually, you can use the clicking instead of the treats. Avoid using too many treats so that your pet does not become overweight.
  • Avoid negativity or punishment. Using punishment when training your pet may cause him to become anxious. This stress can cause behavioral issues like compulsive grooming, or regressive potty training. Stress can also compromise your pet’s immune system making him susceptible to illness.
  • Keep training sessions short, frequent, and consistent. Train in short bouts. Once your pet seems bored, move on. Consider many training sessions in one day, instead of one long one. Train for several days in a row. Be consistent in the way you train. Use the same treats and clicks, use the same language. Continue in this manner until your pet learns the behavior.
  • Always end on a positive note. End training sessions positively. Make sure the last words and actions your pet associates with training are enthusiastic and supportive. You want to ensure your pet will enthusiastically show up for the next session.

Family Veterinary Clinic cares for your pet. We want to assist you in any way that we can to help your pet to be happy and healthy. If you have questions about these training methods or others, contact us today. 


Pet-Friendly Reminder

February is nationally recognized as Spay and Neuter Awareness Month. The purpose is to encourage people to have their pets sterilized before the spring and summer months when there is an increase in overproduction of puppies and kittens. We believe this is yet another way to help your pet to be healthy. Contact us for more information.